Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The ABCs of Me...:)


Laurel of Wads Of Stuff recently did an 'ABCs of Me' post to share a little bit about herself, and she inspired me to do the same. So here are some facts about me, alphabet-style! As she did, I'm taking a couple of liberties with a few letters that I felt were not the best for me.

A- Age? Yes, sadly, every day I age a little more. Oh, this is about how old I am? Look! Over there! A squirrel on a spaceship!! 

B- Best day? The day I got my Ph.D. 

C-Craving? Chocolate. Always chocolate. Or cheese. That'll work, too.

D-Difficult? Losing the ones I love.

E-Embarrassed? I don't get embarrassed easily, but when I do, I turn about as red as a tomato. I do stupid things all the time, though, so I've inured myself to most of that. The fastest way to embarrass me is to say something nice about me in front of a group of people. I suddenly don't know where to put any of my limbs, or my eyes.

F-Fear? I fear spinning my wheels because I haven't learned lessons I'm supposed to learn. 

G-Gross? Scatalogical humor. Yuck!

H-Height? five-foot-seven. 

I-Interests? Reading, writing, genealogy, psychology, scrapbooking/paper-crafting, cooking, tarot, history, art, nail art.

J-Joy? Writing.

K-Kids? Four kitties and one puppy. The cats may or may not be plotting to kill me (ala The Oatmeal), but my puppy has mah back.

L-Likes? Pina Coladas and walks in the rain. Oh wait, that's a song...

M-Music? Anything that makes me feel good and makes me want to dance.

N-Never? I will never watch E.T. Don't ask, you don't want to know. 

O-Once? Once I climbed a volcano. Next time I'll take the helicopter tour.

P-Pet peeves? I have several grammatical quirks that drive me nuts. I hate it when people misuse 'literally'. I hate it when people say 'less' when they should say 'fewer' (things you can count = fewer. So you have less sugar, but fewer oranges--you don't have less oranges. That's just ungrammatical). I hate it when people say 'The proof is in the pudding'--no, no it isn't. The expression is 'The proof of the pudding is in the taste.', and if you think about it, you'll see that makes a lot more sense. Also, if you say you 'could care less', that means you do actually care. What you're trying to say is you *couldn't* care less. And, to round off my list of crazy, I hate it when people say 'You want to have your cake and eat it, too.'. Everyone has their cake, and then eats it. The trick is to eat your cake, and still have it. The expression is 'You want to eat your cake and have it, too.'. Yes, I do know how crazy this sounds and that the only other Americans who says it this way was the Unibomber, and it's one of the reasons they were able to figure out who he was. So no, I'm not proud of it, but it is correct, dammit!!

Q-Quote: "I'm not afraid to fall, it means I climbed up high. To fall is not to fail, you fail when you don't try."

R-Religion? Spirituality.

S-Siblings? I have one half-sister. Love you!!! 

T-TV shows? Right now, it's Walking Dead, Orange Is The New Black, House Of Cards, The Big Bang Theory, The Goldbergs, Masterchef, Project Runway, and, if I'm honest...Real Housewives of New Jersey. I'm not ashamed. Not at all. Maybe a little. Don't judge me!!

U-Unique: I'm probably the only person on the planet who has a Ph.D but can't figure out how to get the battery out of my laptop computer. 

V-Vacation: I love Europe, cruises, and more and more I like nature-related vacations, like hiking in Point Reyes. 

W-Web? I have a website and two blogs. (see the 'About Me' in the upper-right corner if you want to check them out :) )

X-X-ray? I've had pretty much every part of my body X-rayed. And I've had a several scans, as well. I've had a bumpy life, injury-wise!

Y-Why? Why not?

Z-Zoo Animal? Tasmanian Devil. Although I would have also accepted meerkat and mongoose.

So what questions would you add to a list like this, for bloggers to discuss about themselves?


  1. Oh that IS a good quote.
    Great post :D

    1. I love that quote so much. The quickest way to do nothing with your life is being afraid to fail!

  2. Oh Chocolate!! I am always craving it too :) This is a great post idea... I might do this myself!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'd love to see your list. :)

  3. This is a great survey. I love things like this! Also, I love that your favorite animal is the Tasmanian Devil. They're pretty awesome.

    1. Aren't they?!?! So cool, and such a bad reputation just because they protect their little ones. And are sort of vicious. But come on, everyone had flaws!! :)

  4. This is so fun! I am going to have to do it myself!

  5. Chocolate & Cheese! My two favorites!

    1. If I were stuck on an island with my kindle, chocolate and cheese, I think I'd be :)

  6. Love The Walking Dead and OITNB... and chocolate... and cheese! Totally going to have to steal this post idea :D

    1. I am soooo binge watching OITNB right now...and if you do, link me, I wanna see!!

  7. I love these types of posts. So fun to learn random little things about people.

    1. Me too. Especially on my nail blog, I never really say much about myself, so it's nice to remember to do that sometimes!

  8. Ugh, the couldn't care less thing drives me up a wall. I just stare at them waiting and waiting to see which was it's supposed to go. This was a fun read. :)

    1. Right?! I've learned not to say things to people about it, they tend to get a little annoyed with me, lol. But come on!

  9. I love the ABC's of people. You learn a lot of interesting things! I have to admit - I am wondering why you won't watch ET. ;) I've never watched it, either, but just because I haven't gotten the chance to.

    1. It's probably not that interesting a story, more just an example of random stubbornness. I never saw it as a child because I was in a weird zone where I was too young when it came out, and then by the time I was old enough to care, and it was on network TV, it wasn't 'Ugh, that's a kid's movie'. So Mr. Mishka started teasing me when we first met about never having seen it, told me how I HAD to see it, and I asked him why it was so important to him. His answer was just that it's a 'must see', but couldn't say why, and I told him that if it's such a 'must see', I was gonna go all counter-culture on it and *not* see it. Now I refuse just because it's fun to watch him shake his head and fist at me over it. :)

  10. First of YEAH :) I'm so happy you did this! It's so fun reading other people's answers. Chocolate and cheese are delicious, hopefully not together though ;) You have a PhD? Dang be proud

    1. Thank you for inspiring me! You rock! Yes, I have Ph.D, it was the hardest thing I've ever done! :)

  11. You have climbed a volcano, adventures eh? How neat to read through this :)

    1. Yes. That was a distressingly disturbing amazingly awesome day in which I almost seared off my foot in a lava flow...Maybe I'll tell the story in a post, lol!

  12. I loved orange is the new black.. jacob loves the walking dead.. but it's a bit too scary visually for me... :P i'll dream about them!

    1. I have learned not to eat while watching the Walking Dead, lol! I totally feel you. :)

  13. I like these ABC's of me posts! I enjoyed reading this.

  14. Girl, I'm ALWAYS craving chocolate too. I mean, cheese. Both. I always want both of them all the time :)

    1. YES. It I'm in the mood for sweets, I want chocolate. If I'm in the mood for savory, I want cheese. nom nom nom nom nom...

  15. Oooh this is such a fun idea for a post! I'm the same way about having grammatical pet peeves!

  16. Why did you start blogging? :)

    1. Yes, that's a great one to add! I should have made that my 'B'. For me, it started as a way to just keep up with my friends; I had a personal blog on MySpace that my friends could see, and I wrote it for them. Then I decided to do a public one when I was inspired by the Julie/Julia project to begin cooking more, because when I became a professor, I stopped having time to do any of that, and lost the balance in my life. :)

  17. haha, I love it! Particularly, the 'squirrel on a spaceship' line (I used to be known as Laurie 'look there's a butterfly' L) and the Tasmanian devil choice. You sound like someone with a lot of energy and humor, and that's awesome. Great to 'meet' you!


    1. Awww, thank you! That's very sweet of you to say! Tasmanian devils *rock* (they're actually really cute and sweet when they aren't growling at you) and I'm totally stealing your 'look there's a butterfly' line, lol. :)

  18. Replies
    1. Big Island in Hawaii. We went on a cruise to Hawaii, and that was our day trip. Mr. Mishka wanted to do the helicopter version, and I was like 'Hey, let's be healthy, get some exercise!". He was right...>.<

  19. Replies
    1. Chocolate is sent directly from heaven. I'm surprise there aren't more songs dedicated to singing its praises...

  20. Don't even get me started on the literally thing. I hate those people as much as I hate people who misuse "ironically."

    1. I'm gonna take a guess that Alanis Morisette is your favorite musician, lol!!!

  21. Great and interesting post. I love the idea!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks to Laurel for starting it. :)

  22. me you and dancing = the same just let the music move ya!

  23. Great post! Good quote.

    I love the squirrel in the spaceship too. LOL! ;)

  24. LOL, amazing post! I could go on and on about how wonderful you sound/seem to be, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable and embarrass you. ;)

    Buuuut - I do have another one to file under "P-pet peeves". Where do you stand on this one: "another think/thing coming"? (please please please say you're at least aware of them both existing..) (or, err, should we take this debate elsewhere?)

    Oh, and chocolate. Yes. Always. Lots of it. Actually, "there's not enough chocolate" is something I can be heard saying often. :D
    Also - why no E.T. love?

    1. ROFL!! Aww, see, even that made me blush, lol.

      Oh no. Did you just introduce me to a grammatical pet peeve that I didn't know about?? Mr. Mishka curses you, but I thank you...It's always better to have something new to rant about just for novelty's sake. No, I didn't know about this one, I'd only ever heard 'another thing coming'. And now that I've googled it and know the origin, you've ruined me for life, lol!! :)

      Here's my version of your chocolate saying: "I've had enough chocolate. Said nobody, ever."

      I answered the ET thing's not super interesting, not sure if it's even worth the scroll, but I direct you up there. :)

  25. Your letter A had me laughing so hard. I love reading all these and learning more about people

    1. Hehehehehe...I love making people laugh. Thanks for reading!! :)
